Monday, October 14, 2013

Abilene week 17

Chips and salsa!
I thought this picture was pretty cool. Let me explain. In one hand I hold the salsa that I made from the recipe Grandma Moffitt sent me and in the other hand I hold the BYU chips that Grandma Coats sent me. Both Grandparents unknowingly worked together to make the perfect combination. Mind blown, huh?
Did I mention we got our car privileges back?

I told you guys that we got a new jeep. How do you like it?
Elder King

This is what happens when weekly planning goes too long.

This was a long week. If we had any hope of Katarino getting baptized this week it went out the door because he is in Houston and will be there this week as well. Good news for Eliseo, we taught him the word of wisdom and he committed to keeping it. He wasn't at church on Sunday though. Bad news with Cesar. We weren't able to set up an appointment with him,so we showed up twice during the week. Both times he was home, but he did not answer the door :(  Good news with Alexandria and Alizay. We were finally able to have a lesson with them after like a month. We basically just reviewed who is Jesus Christ and watched Finding Faith in Christ. It's such a bomb video. I have seen it more than 20 times on my mission already I am sure. 90% of those times have been in Spanish. Watching videos is a good way to help comprehension for Spanish. Anyway, it almost seems weird to see it in English now...

Sunday was exciting. During our branch PEC meeting before church, President Swartz told me that I was translating during the meeting (We had a high counselor come to speak. He spoke Spanish, but his wife and his 2 kids that also gave talks didn't speak any Spanish). Then after blessing the sacrament I found out they weren't joking. I had to translate their 3 talks (we have a little kit that has a microphone I speak into while those who need translating listen in through headsets we hand out). It's hard! Instead of thinking of just what I want to say, I have to take what the other person says and translate it into Spanish (while not knowing some vocabulary, so I often had to switch around word order and how I said it so that it all made sense), while listening to the next thing they were saying and trying to translate that too. At the beginning I was doing really well, but then she started talking really fast in the middle and I fell behind a couple sentences. At that point I just had to skip some stuff she said and fill in the gaps. It was a weird experience, but I got compliments afterwards so I guess I didn’t completely fail at it.

Also, no pictures of this, but I thought I would share that I have a new tie for favorite p-day activity. Last p-day we had nerf gun wars in the zone leaders apartment. We took blankets and blacked out all the windows, then began the battle involving 7 missionaries. We played for almost a couple hours, then we heard a knock on the door. It was the people who lived under them coming to tell us their lights were flickering and paintings were falling off the walls from whatever we were doing. Then when Elder Martin was apologizing he accidently pulled the trigger on his gun and shot the lady in the head. It was so funny! Luckily, she didn't get super mad.

Final news of this week would probably be about Sofia. Her baptism is scheduled for the 19th of October, the second to last day of the transfer. Oddly enough, we are hoping that she don't be baptized this week. BECAUSE that would mean that her dad has accepted a baptismal date and that we are pushing her date back a couple weeks so that they can be baptized together! Families! That's what it's all about.

 I also figured I would share a funny story of visting with Sonia (Kayla's grandma), Yvon (Kayla's mom) and Jenine (Kayla's aunt) this week. For some reason Sonia was talking about 4-20 (weed day). I don't know why. But anyway, after talking about that for a couple minutes we got back on track and turned to Moroni 10, the chapter we wanted to read with them. Sonia started reading and the first verse says something along the lines of, "and it came to pass that after four hundred and twenty years.." and she just busts up laughing. We seriously can't get her to stop laughing for like 5 minutes. I was laughing really hard too. I mean, what are the chances of that happening?

You didn't hear......Missionaries can now have facial hair!
I thought we may as well try to re-create that mustache picture I took in the MTC. Remember that? Whew! That was a long time ago.

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