Monday, April 20, 2015

Pecos week 24

Reading to a group of 1st graders at the library.
We had them jumping up and down and dancing just like in the book!
Here's the last good morning from your son being a missionary in Texas!

Jessica and Danny: This was the first week since I've been in Pecos that Jessica hasn't come to church... She was in the hospital because she just had her baby boy, Dillon! Man, some new babies are actually kind of ugly, but Dillon is a really cute baby. Danny had work off for Jessica, and he made it to church. Ah! Pray for a miracle that they can finally get married!

Gilberto and Petra: I really really thought they were coming to church this week, but alas they did not make it out. I don't know what is going to get them over that last bump towards baptism. They told Elder Larkin and his new companion to keep coming over and told me I should write them a letter when I get home.

Ruben: Once again, Ruben made it out to church. Here's the extra good news: he accepted a baptismal date for the 2nd of May! We challenged him to be baptized again this week and he was just like, "at some point yes I will get baptized, but I will let you guys know when." Then Elder Larkin says, "we have been praying about you a lot Ruben and we feel you will be ready by May 2nd. Will you prepare yourself to be baptized on that date?" And he accepted!

The Hinojos
The Sparkmans

You know when a missionary finishes his mission and goes home they say he is dead? So, here I am, a dead missionary.
It has been a great two years. I wouldn't change it for anything. I wouldn't have made it shorter by a second. I have learned so much. I have made so many mistakes, but at the same time I have no regrets. I can't wait to see you in a couple days and spend the whole summer back with the family! I love you mom! I love you dad! I love you Meagan! I love you Courtney!